Sunday, July 18, 2010

Qui-Gon Jinn and Eopie

I only got these guys recently, late May, I think. These two were only avalible by mail-in offer. You had to collect six UPC codes from Star Wars action figures and send them in with six bucks. I sent mine in in late December. five months later I arrive home to a package from Hasbro. Now Qui-Gon was never my favorite Jedi and I hadn't even known what an Eopie was, but I'll have to admit, they're pretty cool. I'll star with Qui-Gon. He's good. The paint is good, there's no bleeding and the colors are nice and Jedi-ish. His hair is a graying brown and he evan has an Adam's Apple! A feature I have yet to see on another figure. His legs are stuck in a straddle position so he can ride his Eopie. I really do hate this. I wish he could ride AND stand. But, alas, he cannot. His costume is great because it is both plastic and cloth. He has eight movement points: neck, shoulders, elbows, wrists, chest area, hips, knees, and ankles. The facial hair is good, though I personally think that his mustace is a bit thin. His eyes are good-not smeared. On the down side, I dothink he is a bit tall compared to other figures. With his legs splayed out, he's equal with the others, but if you push his legs in he is about a head over everyone else. His hair also resrivts head movement and I think the neck is a bit long. Overall I think he's a good action figure.

Onto the lightsaber. It's green. That's good cause it's green in the movie. Blue would have been a big mistake. Red, even worse. I might have sent him back if his saber had been red. But, anyways... It's semi transparent. The blade is strong and the only bending it'll do is if you snap it. The hilt seems a bit Sith to me but it fits into his hand well. The scale is good and the paint is perfect.

Now the Eopie. He had five LIMITED points of articulation. His four hips/shoulders move, some more than others. The front left left is stuck in a bent position to suggest he/she/it is in mid stride. The head also can be turned completly upside down. I don't really see the point of this because if you turn the head, the neck doesn't line up anymore. He/she/it looks a little cartoony to me. The eyes kinda look like they are going to suddenly bulge out in surprise. The tack/saddle comes built on and the reins of the bridle are movable and gripable by Qui-Gon. The tack/saddle is the same as in the movie, so points for continuety. Qui-Gon can ride his loyal (or maybe not, I don't know) steed till his rear falls off.

The last accesory is Qui-Qon Jinn's shawl-thing. It's made of fabric and covers most of his body. It's removable and I personally don't use it. The colors match his clothes and I think something similar is in Phantom Menace.

Overall, I liked the set. I prefer the Empire, so he hasn't gotten much use.

Paint: 5/5

Articulation (Jinn) 3/5

Articulation (Eopie) 1/5

Accesories: 5/5

Overall: 3.5/5

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