Monday, July 19, 2010

Hobbie Klivian and Tie Fighter

My second action figure was Hobbie. And his Tie. We'll start with Hobbie. He's really just an Imperial pilot with the New Republic emblem on his shoulder instead of the Imperial. It's a cool mold. The movement it good. He's got eight points like most everyone.You should know them by now. He can sit down completly so that he can sit in his cockpit. If you twist his arm the right way, his hand with touch his forehead, imitating (do I have to say it?) a salute. What little paint there is is very neat. He is black plastic with a tan face so not to difficult. The only painted bits are the New Republic emblam, the belt, the life support unit, and his facial features. The N.R. symbol is very neat and tidy. Perfect, really. The belt buckle is good and simple and the buttons on the life support unit are fairly well done. The buttons are a little off but it's not noticable unless you're looking for flaws. Hobbie's hair is covered by a black hood which is well painted with no white spots. His eyebrows and eyes are perhaps a little feminie but that could just be him. The line where the hood meets skin is a little off. It's kind of tan, though it should be black. The belt holister is functional. It holds what looks like a blaster pistol with a scope quit well. His hands are gloved and the gloves (plastic, not cloth) fan away from his arm to look very realistic. His feet seem a tiny bit small. The helmet is well molded and connects to the also removable life support unit. The unit attaches to his chest with a small peg. I think Hobbie is a good figure who, if you needed one, could pass for an Imp if you painted over the New Republic shoulders.

On to the Tie Fighter. Hobbie commandeered an Imperial Tie Fighter and it is exactly the same-except for the HUGE New REpublic Symbol painted on both wings in bright red. Inside of the cockpit is the command station which looks rather cheesy. It looks like someone took a storage box and put button wall paper all over it. So, not very realistic. Both wings can eject from the cockpit with the holding of two buttons. And that's about it. The paint is nice and there aren't any smears that I can see.

Paint(Hobbie) 4.8/5

Paint(Tie) 5/5

Articulation: 5/5

Accesories: 5/5 (Now, is the Tie or Hobbie the accesory?)


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