Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Rahm Kota's Militia Elite

This guy is also a part of the Force Unleashed Figure Pack 1. He's a cool figure. He molded out of a brown plastic and his armor is crazy detailed! It all textured and emits a general awsomeness! He's waeing a brown flight suit with chest armor. The armor is grey with lines carved into it and accented with black. Their are two straps runing opposite diagonals across his chest. These are a dark brown/black with some silver details. On the Elite's arms are removable shoulder pads and forearm/hand guards. These are painted grey and blue/grey. His belt is black with silver equiptment pouches and is followed by a military "skirt". This is a paler brown then his suit and is longer on his right side. His boots are mismathced, one is brown and the other is brown and white. His face is painted a peach color and his hair is painted black in a slicked back style that is very similat to Thrawn's just not as receeded. His eyes are a neat dark brown and don't bleed into the whites.

He come with four accesories. The first is a removable Rebel helmet. It is grey and orange with a transparent orange visor. It stays in place with a black and silver chin strap. The next feature is a backpack. It attaches to him with a circular peg and is molded out of a grey/brown plastic with silver feathures. It also has an antennae. His weapon is huge though not out of scale. It is an automatic machine gun with multiple barrels. It's black, grey and grey/blue. It's very difficult to place it in his hands though and I have yet to get it to stay in place. The final accesory are his shoulder pads. He comes with two grey shoulder pads which attach with a round peg into each arm. Be carefull as they are small and very loseable. (I've lost one already)

The Elite has seven articulation spots. They all move very easily and fluidly. His ankles are not mavable, however. His arm cannot assume a salute position which is shown often in the video game cutscene with Kota. The shoulder pads will also fall out if you move his arm into certain positions.

Paint (Elite): 6/5 (Extra for all the detail)

Paint (Accesories): 5/5

Articulation: 3/5

Accesories: 4/5

Overall: 4.5/5

Juno Eclipse

I got the Force Unleashed Figure Pack 1 on Sunday. I'll be reviewing the figures separately starting with Starkiller (Galen Marek)'s pilot, Juno Eclipse.

I'm going to be honest, I don't like this figure but I'll start with the good stuff. She's made of black plastic and her skin is painted a pale tan. Her shirt is open to reveal a painted gray undershirt. The uniform is nicely detailed with the rank insignia and a pen in the right chest pocket. She is wearing black gloves like in the video game and the figure is a good likeness. Her blonde hair is pulled into a bun which is detailed into the back of her head. It's rather slopey and not to similar to her game hairstyle. Her eyes are kinda slopey with too big irises. The back of her neck is badly painted and partily black. She comes with a removabal Imperial cap which fits her haed well, though it is very easy to lose and I'd recomend glueing it to her head. Her other accesory is a Stormtrooper blaster. Typical. She has seven and a half articulation points. I say seven and a half because her ankles only twist around and don't move up and down. One of the MAJOR problems with Juno is that her left leg is splayed out and it kills her balence. I have to bend her almost in half to keep her standing and slouching is not appreciated in the Imperial Navy! Her arms cannot bend into an approximate salute and I don't like that either. She is nice to have if you want to build up your Imperial officers, though. If you sit her down a command station or something.

Paint: 2/5

Articulation: 4/5

Accesories: 5/5

Overall: 2.5/5

Monday, July 19, 2010

Grand Admiral Thrawn

My favorite character of ALL TIME: Grand Admiral Thrawn. He was first published in 1992 by Timothy Zahn. Thrawn is in charge of the Imperial remnants five years after the Battle of Endor. He is the only alien to EVER ascend to the rank of Grand Admiral. Thrawn is a member of the Chiss species characterized by their blue skin and red eyes. He is a brillent tactition who gains insight to his enemy by studying their species' art. Now...on to the review!

I'm pretty happy with the figure. They got the skin right, not to dark not to light. The eyes are nice and red and most importently: pupilless! The hair is cool because the widow's peek isn't centered and the hair recession is different on either side. The uniform is a nice white plastic and the rank insignia is well painted and the colors are in the right places. The uniform is realistically wrinkled and the belt buckle is centered. His feet are in proportion and the boots are a nice glossy black. He isn't wearing gloves, though. In the comics and maybe the books (can't remember) he's always wearing white gloves. On his face, he's missing eyebrows! This is big as Thrawn is alwaying cocking an eyebrow. You could drawn them on with a sharpie, though they tend to rub off. The joints of his boots are unpainted, though this can be fixed with some paint of a sharpie.The Grand Admiral has eight articulation points. His hips are restricted because of his uniform top so he can sit down or crouch.

He comes with one accesory: a ysalamiri. The ysalamiri is a creature from Mykr who creates a bubble in which the force is surpressed. It can wrap around either his neck or his leg. It is a nice orange plastic with black eyes.Thrawn uses it against Joruus C'boath. The creature has two legs and a tail that keep it secure on Thrawn. It doesn't serve much purpose but it is a nice aesthetic.

I really like Thrawn as a character and even more so now that I can see him.

Paint: 5/5

Articulation: 4/5

Accesories: 5/5

Overall: 5/5


The Sandtroooper figure is one of my favorites because it serves multiple purposes. It can be a regular Stormtrooper, a commander, or... a Sandtrooper. The model is made out of white plastic and the black jumpsuit is painted on. The helmet is well detailed and very realistic. There're no bleeds and the eyes are great. His eguiptment belt comes with a built in holster, though it doesn't really work. You can restle the E-11 in, but it looks stupid (and like an accident waiting to happen) with the barrell pointed at his rearHe has the eight articulation spots: ankles, knees, hips, shest area, wrists, elbows, shoulders, and neck. With a certain amount of twisting, he can raise his arm to salute. The lags can't go back very far because of the butt armor, but unlike thePhase III predecesors, the leg can go all the way forwards because the groin gaurd is reduced.
The accesories are what defines this guy from your average Imperial cannon fodder. It has the backpack which is black and grey/blue. It's nice because there are little details in it so it's not just flat. It fits onto the trooper's back with a rectangular peg and it will stay as long as you attach the white cylinder to the back of his belt. The cylinder (I don't know what it's called) is the same color as the armor and is very well detailed. It fits onto his belt with a square peg and is quite secure, just don't lose it! The last feature is the shoulder guard. It fits over his head under the helmet. If you want a commander, just pant part of it yellow. It's got some nice lines and isn't just a flat piece of plastic. He also comes with the typical E-11 blastech rifle. It's...black and...rifle-ish. Sandy has a pike/walking stick aswell. It's about a head and a half taller than him and is grey and brown. It doesn't fit in his hand too well, though. The only downside to the accesories is that it compromises hiss balence and to get him to stand you actually have to hunch him over a fair bit. The Sandtrooper also came with the weapons locker containing all six generic weapons. I like this guy a lot because he's got the three functions like I said. Stormtroopers are hard to find (where I live) and he's a great substitute.

Paint (trooper): 5/5

Paint (accesories): 5/5

Articulation: 4.5/5

Overall: 4.8/5

Hobbie Klivian and Tie Fighter

My second action figure was Hobbie. And his Tie. We'll start with Hobbie. He's really just an Imperial pilot with the New Republic emblem on his shoulder instead of the Imperial. It's a cool mold. The movement it good. He's got eight points like most everyone.You should know them by now. He can sit down completly so that he can sit in his cockpit. If you twist his arm the right way, his hand with touch his forehead, imitating (do I have to say it?) a salute. What little paint there is is very neat. He is black plastic with a tan face so not to difficult. The only painted bits are the New Republic emblam, the belt, the life support unit, and his facial features. The N.R. symbol is very neat and tidy. Perfect, really. The belt buckle is good and simple and the buttons on the life support unit are fairly well done. The buttons are a little off but it's not noticable unless you're looking for flaws. Hobbie's hair is covered by a black hood which is well painted with no white spots. His eyebrows and eyes are perhaps a little feminie but that could just be him. The line where the hood meets skin is a little off. It's kind of tan, though it should be black. The belt holister is functional. It holds what looks like a blaster pistol with a scope quit well. His hands are gloved and the gloves (plastic, not cloth) fan away from his arm to look very realistic. His feet seem a tiny bit small. The helmet is well molded and connects to the also removable life support unit. The unit attaches to his chest with a small peg. I think Hobbie is a good figure who, if you needed one, could pass for an Imp if you painted over the New Republic shoulders.

On to the Tie Fighter. Hobbie commandeered an Imperial Tie Fighter and it is exactly the same-except for the HUGE New REpublic Symbol painted on both wings in bright red. Inside of the cockpit is the command station which looks rather cheesy. It looks like someone took a storage box and put button wall paper all over it. So, not very realistic. Both wings can eject from the cockpit with the holding of two buttons. And that's about it. The paint is nice and there aren't any smears that I can see.

Paint(Hobbie) 4.8/5

Paint(Tie) 5/5

Articulation: 5/5

Accesories: 5/5 (Now, is the Tie or Hobbie the accesory?)


R2-D2 with Lights and Sound

I love Astrometric droids. They're just so full of personality. They evan gave some to the figure. This Arto has light and sounds. (From ROTS when he's on Grevious' ship) The paint is perfect: no bleeds, no missed sections, no kindergarten work. He looks really good. He's got just three joints, but that's all he really needs. Artoo can move his erm..."shoulders", "ankles" and front "foot." His dome, unfourtunetly, doesn't rotate. To hear him beep, chirp, and scream, all you have to do is push the panel on his "chest." I love Artoo and this simple figure really does him justace in my opinion.

Paint: 5/5

Articulation: 4/5

Overall: 4.5/5

Old Republic Shock Trooper

I got this guy in December back when the local Toys'R'Us was actually well stocked. It isn't anymore. But anyways... Like I said, I like the Empire. No, scratch that, I LOVE the Empire. They are so much more interesting. They were out of Stormtrooper and other Imperial canon fodder, so I went fo something close: Phase III Clone Troopers. The Shock Trooper is basically a white and red clone trooper (his function is different). He is close to the Stormies, but not quite there. The paint on this guy is egh. There is some bleeding on the shoulder pads and they are also not completly painted. The white is good cause it's made of white plastic. The grey on his helmet isn't straight and that drives me nuts. I think that the armor is actually to0 clean. He's kind of a shiney if you know the term. The articulation is a little limited because of the armor. He's got the usual eight points: neck, shoulders, elbows, wrists, chest area, hips, knees, and ankles. The arms can only be raiesd to level with is collarbone because of the shoulder plates and the legs can't really go back very far. The legs also can't go forward much because of the groin plate. Another issue is...HE CAN'T SALUTE! Come on Hasbro! He's in the ARMY! Saluting is kinda necessary! The antenae that sticks out of his back is nice. I wish it wasn't removable cause I lost it ages ago. (Sorry mom) He came with the usual weapons locker. The weapons were all fine, though I think they might be a tad out of scale. Some seem way too big. This isn't the figures fault though, they're genaric weapons. I think the Shock Trooper is a cool character though the figure needs a new paint job.

Paint: 3/5

Articulation: 3/5

Accesories ( not couting genaric weapons): 4.5/5

Overall: 3/5

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Qui-Gon Jinn and Eopie

I only got these guys recently, late May, I think. These two were only avalible by mail-in offer. You had to collect six UPC codes from Star Wars action figures and send them in with six bucks. I sent mine in in late December. five months later I arrive home to a package from Hasbro. Now Qui-Gon was never my favorite Jedi and I hadn't even known what an Eopie was, but I'll have to admit, they're pretty cool. I'll star with Qui-Gon. He's good. The paint is good, there's no bleeding and the colors are nice and Jedi-ish. His hair is a graying brown and he evan has an Adam's Apple! A feature I have yet to see on another figure. His legs are stuck in a straddle position so he can ride his Eopie. I really do hate this. I wish he could ride AND stand. But, alas, he cannot. His costume is great because it is both plastic and cloth. He has eight movement points: neck, shoulders, elbows, wrists, chest area, hips, knees, and ankles. The facial hair is good, though I personally think that his mustace is a bit thin. His eyes are good-not smeared. On the down side, I dothink he is a bit tall compared to other figures. With his legs splayed out, he's equal with the others, but if you push his legs in he is about a head over everyone else. His hair also resrivts head movement and I think the neck is a bit long. Overall I think he's a good action figure.

Onto the lightsaber. It's green. That's good cause it's green in the movie. Blue would have been a big mistake. Red, even worse. I might have sent him back if his saber had been red. But, anyways... It's semi transparent. The blade is strong and the only bending it'll do is if you snap it. The hilt seems a bit Sith to me but it fits into his hand well. The scale is good and the paint is perfect.

Now the Eopie. He had five LIMITED points of articulation. His four hips/shoulders move, some more than others. The front left left is stuck in a bent position to suggest he/she/it is in mid stride. The head also can be turned completly upside down. I don't really see the point of this because if you turn the head, the neck doesn't line up anymore. He/she/it looks a little cartoony to me. The eyes kinda look like they are going to suddenly bulge out in surprise. The tack/saddle comes built on and the reins of the bridle are movable and gripable by Qui-Gon. The tack/saddle is the same as in the movie, so points for continuety. Qui-Gon can ride his loyal (or maybe not, I don't know) steed till his rear falls off.

The last accesory is Qui-Qon Jinn's shawl-thing. It's made of fabric and covers most of his body. It's removable and I personally don't use it. The colors match his clothes and I think something similar is in Phantom Menace.

Overall, I liked the set. I prefer the Empire, so he hasn't gotten much use.

Paint: 5/5

Articulation (Jinn) 3/5

Articulation (Eopie) 1/5

Accesories: 5/5

Overall: 3.5/5

Imperial Scanning Officer

For my first review, I'll start with my first Star Wars action figure: the Imperial Scanning Officer. I'll be frank: I like him. He's well paineted, has good articulation, and is accurate. The Officer has eight points of articulation: neck, shoulders, elbows, wrists, waist, hips, knees, and ankles. I do wish that the arms allowed me to position him into a salute and the legs into an at ease position. There's no bleeding, the eyes are good, and the small details of his uniform ar very nice. The Imperial emblam is flawless and the pens in the pocket on his left bicep are a nice detail as is the control panel (thing) on his left forearm. I really like the sideburns as they are in the style of the movie. His belt also has a built in holster that actually works! (A miracle) The wrinkles on the uniform are nice and realistic. My only complaints are that his boots are WAY to big! Compared to the other figures they are gigantic. Also if you point the feet all the way down, the joint isn't painted, though this can be remidied with paint or a sharpie. His ears are a little sloppy and his hat has a small silver dot on the left side. I'm not sure whether this is intentional or a mistake.

His accesories (a rifle and scanning equiptment) are okay. The rifle is basically a grey E-11 Stormtrooper rifle. Nothing to inovative. The scanning equiptment however...blah. It looks nothing like the equiptment in the movie. It has wheels, though! As boxes in a storeroom, they're cool. As Imperial grade scanners, they're crap. (Excuse my French)


Paint: 5/5

Articulation: 4/5


Overall: 3.9/5